Best OET Training Center in Kerala

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Why Choose
VerbUp for OET Preparation?

immersive experience


Students develop practical language skills and cultural understanding through interactive virtual activities and discussions.


Tailored courses help students progress at their own pace, meeting individual goals and learning styles.


Highly qualified German teachers help students master the language and deepen cultural understanding.

What they tell about us

Student Testimonials

Structure of OET Exam

OET Component Time Content Task
Approximately 40 minutes
  • Part A: Consultation extracts (5 minutes each, note-completion)


  • Part B: Short extracts (6 extracts, 1 minute each, multiple-choice)


  • Part C: Presentations/interviews (5 minutes each, multiple-choice)
Identify specific information, gist, opinion, and speaker's purpose. Parts A is double-marked, Parts B and C are automatically scored.
Approximately 60 minutes
  • Part A: Expeditious reading (15 minutes, 4 texts, matching, sentence completion, short answer)


  • Part B: Short workplace extracts (6 extracts, multiple-choice)


  • Part C: Long texts (2 texts, multiple-choice)
Skim, scan, and identify detail, gist, main point, explicit/implicit meaning, attitude, or opinion. Part A is double-marked, Parts B and C are automatically scored.
Approximately 45 minutes
  • Write a letter relevant to your profession (e.g., referral letter).


  • Five minutes for reading; 40 minutes for writing.
Assessed on six criteria, including purpose, content, conciseness, and clarity. Double-marked by qualified assessors.
Approximately 20 minutes
  • Role-plays: Two profession-specific scenarios (3 minutes to prepare, 5 minutes each to role-play)
Evaluated on 4 linguistic and 5 clinical communication criteria. Role plays are recorded and double-marked by assessors.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who can join our courses?

Our OET courses are tailored to meet the specific needs of healthcare professionals who are working towards improving their English language skills for the OET exam. This includes a wide range of medical professionals, such as doctors, nurses, therapists, pharmacists, and more.

Regardless of your current English language proficiency, our courses are designed to help you achieve the necessary score on the OET exam. Whether you’re a beginner or looking to refine your existing language skills, we offer programs that cater to your individual needs and goals.

How much time does it take?

The amount of time required to complete our OET courses varies depending on your current English language proficiency and the specific course you choose.

For students with a strong foundation in English, our intensive courses may be completed in a shorter timeframe. However, for those who require more in-depth instruction, we offer longer-term programs to ensure thorough preparation.

Additionally, your individual dedication and study habits will significantly impact your progress. Regular practice and consistent engagement with our course materials are essential for achieving your desired results.

To provide a more accurate estimate, we recommend consulting with our admissions team to discuss your specific needs and goals. They can help you select the most suitable course and provide guidance on expected completion timelines.

Do you give certificate?

Yes, we provide comprehensive preparation to help you achieve a high score on the OET exam. While we don’t issue the OET certificate directly, our courses are designed to equip you with the necessary skills and knowledge to succeed on the exam.

Upon successful completion of the OET exam, you will receive the official OET certificate from the Occupational English Test (OET) organization. Our courses aim to provide you with the best possible foundation to achieve this goal.